Bloom is a plant e-commerce platform that aims at providing a wide variety of plant & flower products to customers, while providing vast information on plants. Bloom ensures to keep customers updated on the current trends and care tips on how best to care for our Green friends.
With the increasing number of plant lovers, most people find it hard to purchase plant and flower products seemlessly without having any issue, and also lack valuable information and tips on plants. This app focuses on solving the problems by providing these services.
To understand who the customers are, and also to find out their problems, I did a survey in which questionnaires were sent out to various people. The questionnaires contained the following questions;
Do you love plants? Do you own a plant at home? How knowledgeable are you on plants? Have you ever purchased plants? Have you ever found it hard to locate plant shops? Have you ever faced any challenges while purchasing plants? If yes, What were the challenges? How do you like the idea of plants being delivered to your door steps? The results were as follows;
To be able to purchase plants seemlessly regardless of location.
To have easy access to information and tips on plants.
To have plants which have been purchased brought to their location.
Find it hard to locate plant shops.
Lack of general knowledge on plants
Plant shops are far from their location.
Plants tend to die frequently.
No way to know if plants are available at shops and may end up going to the shops and not be able to get the plants of their choice.
After discovering the needs of users and their frustrations, I started brainstorming for possible solutions for the user problems. The following solutions were thought out for each pain point;
This prototype phase involves me designing the look and feel of the product to solve user problems, This phase was broken down to four stages: 1. Information Architecture 2. Paper Sketches 3. Style guide 4. App Screens
This stage involves sketching out possible ideas on how the app is going to look on a sheet of paper
In order to be consistent with the typography and colors, a style guide was created. It can be seen below: